Thursday, June 15, 2006

When will life mean life.

I have recently been following The Sun's campaign on judges being too soft on criminals. However I do not think that the judges are to blame. If they give a murderer a life sentence, then that person should be in prison for life. However the way our system works life only means 12-15 years in prison and that is not including parole. I believe that instead of blaming the judges the legal system should be re thinked. And finally life should mean life. I also believe that the death penalty should also be brought back, well actually we still have the death penalty in this country for one crime and that is treason. So if someone commits a crime against the queen then it is justified to kill them. Yet if someone kills three children and hangs there bodies on railing its not justified to kill them. How can this be. Bringing back the death penalty will also lower crime. If someone realizes that they could be killed for committing a crime they are more likely not to do it.


At 12:48 pm, Blogger Ben said...

seriously?! the death penalty?
Watch the film the life of David Gale.
punishment is one thing, but surely the point of the prison system is to help people to function in society again. for that, they need to be released!

At 12:51 pm, Blogger Keeley said...

i have seen the life of david gale great film. well thats why i am suggesting the death penalty so these monsters are not realeased back into society.

At 12:10 am, Blogger Roz Lynch said...

In a US survey of the ‘presidents of the country’s top academic criminological societies, 84% of those experts rejected the notion that the death penalty acts as a deterrent to murder. (Radelet & Akers, 1996)’

In 2004 amongst other years the FBI Uniform Crime Report showed that although the American South has 80% of the executions of the US they also have the highest murder rate. The North East has only 1% of the executions in the US and has the lowest murder rate.

Death Penalty Fact Sheet

Oh and by the way it was because of opposition to the death penalty in Britain that it was abolished in 1965 and was 'more opposed by young people than by any other group in society'(RS Rogers, 2004)

At 3:39 pm, Blogger Keeley said...

fair point roz

At 3:42 pm, Blogger Thomas said...

the death penalty should be scrapped altogether everywhere. its basically sinking to these "monsters" level. i personally believe in karma. i agree prison sentences are too soft but i absolutely dont think we should become the murderers and execute people.


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