Sunday, June 18, 2006

Pregnant women and their moods

Friday night me and my mother spend most of the night up the hospital with my pregnant sister. After she had eaten a chicken ball she was vomiting and she also had a head ache. Normally my mother would send her to bed with a head ache tablet, however there was an incident playing in my mum's mind. When I was about 9, the idiot I was, decided to jump for a 9 foot wall which resulted in breaking my foot. I was carried home my a friend and put on the sofa. My mum decided I had only twisted my foot, 5 hours later she realized something was wrong and we went to the hospital where the doctor told us I broke the growth bone in my foot. If it didn't heal correctly I could have ended up with one small foot. So because of this my mum took my sister up the hospital. We sat up there for 3 hours. We then learnt that there was nothing wrong, however they kept her over night. My mum had the hump all the way home. This has got me thinking how lucky we are to have medical centers whenever we need them unlike some poor countries that don't even have clean water let alone around the clock medical care. I feel lucky to be born in a rich country but I cant help feeling sad for those born into poor countries.


At 10:20 pm, Blogger Gordon said...

have you come across charlie Chikankarta? here

He runs a hospital in Zambia - people walk for miles to get there. We take it for granted eh!?

At 10:25 pm, Blogger Keeley said...

i no. and i havent come across charile chikankarta i will check his site out


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