Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Saying Goodbye and Good luck

Goodbye is always the hardest thing. Well this saying is true. I mean if you have bonded with someone when it is time for them to leave it is always going to be emotional. The other day I asked myself why do we make the effort to talk and get attached to people, when we know that they are, at some point going to go their separate ways. Well the answer I came up with is, it is better to have known and said goodbye then not have known at all. So this post is basically to say goodbye to Wayne, John, Gordon, Kate and Ollie, it has been great getting to know you all and you will be missed. I wish you all the luck with the future. Bye for now keeley xxx


At 9:48 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think meeting people and leaving them is all part of your journey through life and i think it helps us open our minds to things other than what is in our own lifes.
i also think that there will be people who we build special bonds with and those are the peole that we will stay in conctact with no matter what

At 10:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but this is not allways the case ms sarah sometimes when you say good bye is truly is forever and this is a pin that not many like to bear

At 9:54 am, Blogger Wendy said...

I've had to say goodbye to lots of peoploe over the past year, before coming to London. one thing I realised is that there are some people who you will be in contact with forever and that's great. There are others who have a huge impact on your life, but you may not keep in contact with. That's okay too - it doesn't take anything away from that impact on your life. Then there are some people who you are glad to see the back of (no names mentioned!!) And then there are still others who you haven't met yet who are going to change your life forever.

At 11:13 am, Blogger Keeley said...

thanks for the comment wendy it makes great sense. I understand that its just sad at the time when these people leave

At 4:58 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mr D.I.G what i am saying is that if you really want to stay in contact with someone then i truely believe you can, ain't always easy though

At 5:53 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

not if the one you wish to stay in contact with is dead then you only have the grey slab of stone above there grave to talk to and this is truly sad so saying good bye is something i try to avoid

At 7:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but death comes to everyone, its the one thing you can't avoid.. if you nether want to say goodbye then just communicate with anyone, that includes leaving comments on peoples blogs

At 8:14 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand what you meant there ms sarah

At 11:11 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

sorry few spelling errors..i meant..

if you never want to say goodbye then dont communicate with anyone, that includes leaving comments on peoples blogs

At 11:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

fine i shall stop posting on your blogs and mr thomas's and ms roz's

farewell and good bye

At 7:22 pm, Blogger Gordon said...

Saying goodbye is never easy - I for one am not looking forward to it! But being able to share our lives with others is far better than not bothering and I am far the better for it!

At 10:34 pm, Blogger nick said...

life can be a right pain - as someone who has lived in over20 houses and been to 7 different schools i've had my fair share of leaving, moving and saying goodbye. but as hard as its been at times looking back i wouldn't have had it any other way.

from memory scott peck's book 'the road less travelled' has some helpful stuff to say about the benefits of painful experiences such as 'saying goodbye'. it's worth a read (if you haven't already!)


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