Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Stand up for your rights!!

Our 6th form has non school uniform. however they have a sexist policy which allows female students to wear short skirts and three quarter lenghts (we were banded from wearing shorts firday because a certain person came in with mini shorts and no it wasnt me) but doesn't allow male students to wear shorts or three quarter lengthns. The boys have been moaning for a while now but for the last couple of days it has been boiling and unbareable. So my brother jim(yes jim) decided he was going to rebal against this and come in, in three quarter lenghts. I told him that it was a great idea but you need to get more of the boys involved other wise you will not get what you want. So the day of the rebelion was today and i felt left out so i wore my shorter lenghts.(which the head of 6th form classed as shorts but THEY ARE NOT.)So i could feel apart of it. We had a good out come about 9 boys wore shorts or three quarter lenghts. I spoke to the head of 6th form after registration and she told me that even though she disagrees with boys showing off their legs she will allow them to do so because the weather is hot. So we got the result we were looking for plus i got us allowed to wear shorts again as long as they are not inapropriately short. If you want to bring about change you need to do it in numbers.


At 9:05 pm, Blogger Roz Lynch said...

Tell Jim that I meant to congratulate him...yay for rebellion...his reference for a job will include this new found skill...Oh and well done Keeley in the support role (looks like some of your rebellious streak might have rubbed off on Jim or it might be in ur genes...I bet ur mum n dad have done some stuff they've never told u)

At 10:49 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think your act of rebellion is wicked.. you got what u wanted without throwing your weight around (not saying thats what you always do lol).. lets jus call it a successful and peaceful protest

At 7:24 am, Blogger nick said...

Great stuff - you can beat a peaceful bit of civil disobedience, but you're not getting the vote. I mean you'll probably want to vote in your shorts?! No, no, no!

PS. We missed you at club. I'm off on holiday for the week so the next time I see you (whisper it quietly!) may be a 'church', well at coffee afterwards?!

At 6:27 pm, Blogger Keeley said...

Look nick i will be able to vote next time any way because i am nearly 18 and i have been church but you haven't been there. See you next sunday then. have a great holiday


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