Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Media Research Project

I am currently doing a media research project and I would be very grateful if you could complete my questionnaire.

How often do you watch spooks?

Once a week Once a month Hardly ever

What episode stands out in your mind and why?
How realistic do you think spooks deals with terrorism?

Very Reasonably not well ok

How often do you read newspapers?

Once a day Once a week Once a month Hardly ever

What newspapers do you read?

The Sun The Guardian The Times The mail

The evening standard Other

How accurately do you think newspapers report terrorism?

Do you feel that spooks influences opinions on terrorism?

Yes No Don’t know Comments:________________________________________

Do you think newspapers exaggerate terrorism?

Yes No Don’t know


Thank You


At 9:01 pm, Blogger Roz Lynch said...

1.Once a week - when my my digibox doesnt go on fire and blow up the TV
2.Death of Zoe cos I liked her and thought she was a believable character.
3.Dunno how realistic Spooks deals with terrorism as I don't know how terrosism is dealt with in reality...but it seems too slick and clean to be 'the real thing' - like some colas I know - so not well
4. Once a week + - Saturday
5. The Saturday Guardian & The Daily Telegraph when Thomas is in it and Eastend Life when Craig is in it.
6. I don't think newspapers report terrorism accurately because if they did they would report less on it and more on appendicitus considering, according to Wired any one of is more likely to be killed by our own appendix than by Al-Qaida or by cancer or crossing the road...
7.Yes I think Spooks influences opinions on terrorism...if it was fiction involving appendicitus, cancer or crossing the road it would influence opinions on those subjects...but more so terrorism because it is the subject de jour (keeping us in the fear culture & having money put into defence/offence & taking away civil liberties rather than being put into welfare)
8. Yes I think newspapers exaggerate terrorism...most media seems to and Pekingduck reckons so too as did John Kerry according to the Washington Post and Martin Frost has some research to show our perception is different to the reality.


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